
About Us.

MWI is a global 501(c)3 nonprofit organization based in the United States that develops and implements innovations that safe guard the welfare and future of children and youth in vulnerable regions. Co-founders of MWI are Mark and Christin Haywood.


Turning Terrible into Marvelous.

What breaks our heart is young people never even getting a chance. We believe that Marvelous Ways International has an opportunity make huge differences for young people that are living in dangerous communities.


Our vision.

We are an innovation nonprofit that is transforming the way developing nations solve problems impacting their youth. Over the next 2-3 years, our vision is to completely change the approach of developing solutions to issues facing children and young people like gang violence, teen pregnancy, suicide, exploitation, and hopelessness.

Ultimately, we believe the problem and the solution impacting this next generation belong to the community in which it is. Marvelous Ways International is a catalyst to help compassionate community leaders initiate and scale up programs that solve these complex issues.


What we do.

MWI, acting as a third-party partner, leverages the compassion and resources of these community influencers and institutions as well as international agencies to bring assistance through:

Research and Development MWI Innovators are teams of professionals and creative problem solvers that develop solutions to systemic and/or persistent social/societal problems for children and young people in vulnerable regions.

Resource Development - MWI Catalysts raise start-up capital and/or initiates capital campaigns to fund projects. We train and develop local leaders to provide restorative programs and services to children and young people in their communities.

Project Implementation - MWI Collaborators are deployed to facilitate projects and empower local communities who are committed to rescuing and restoring future generations. This involves assisting institutions with project management and implementation strategies.

Story Telling - MWI Story Tellers are teams of artists and creatives who use all forms of digital media and art to bring attention and awareness to innovations that are successfully addressing youth-related societal problems globally and share the successes of MWI-sponsored projects.


When you partner with Marvelous Ways International, you are resolving that life can and should be better for this next generation. 

There are young people all over the world that are waiting for people like you with the resolve to fight for their future.

Why we do it.

MWI’s mission is to help compassionate people solve problems facing young people around the globe.

Our values are simple - Compassion, Collaboration, and Innovation based on the following beliefs:

International Influencers

We want to partner with you!

Tell us about your project, and let’s have a conversation.